
TAT Schedule & Releases

Turn Around Time Schedule for orders:
** Please note that the END date of TAT is listed. Orders may ship way before then.**
Currently waiting/in production: Putting together the palettes for Boohoo & Web Weaver.
Time Of Update: 9/11 11:22AM EST

June 21st release - July 12th release: Currently in production for Through Dangers Untold, Anniversary Body Products.  17 orders remaining. Waiting on SCB restock palettes. EST - within 7 days.
July 19th release: Web Weaver Collection. TAT due date: Aug 30th. 6 Business Day Behind. Currently finishing up production.
July 26th release: Lip Stick Event. TAT due date: Sept 9th. Currently in production.

Aug 2nd order: What's Life Without A Little Gossip SCB palette. TAT due date: Sept 16th.
Aug 9th order: Typo Music Collection. TAT due date: Sept 23rd.
Aug 16th release: Bases TAT due date: Sept 30th.
Aug 23rd release: SCB Moss Boss & Electric Embers palette. TAT due date: Oct 28th.
Aug 30th release: Halloween Advent - special tat - Shipping between Oct 1st and Oct 13th.
Sept 6th release: SCB mascaras, new pencil gel liners. TAT due date: Nov 8th.

Please keep in mind that our TAT is currently 35 to 45 business days. Business days do not include postal holidays and weekends (Sat/Sun). TAT does not include postal transit time. If we have a heavy amount of orders, TAT may exceed our stated time frame but we are always here to help if you need your order expedited.
Please email for any additional help. Orders cancelled after 3 business days from date of order are subject to a 25% restocking fee.

We are a small team and work as fast as possible to get orders out.